冶天 发表于 2015-9-21 23:12:00


R9 Fury X、R9 Fury、R9 Nano……AMD Fiji家族已经先后有了三名成员,现在就只剩下最后一个了,也是最重量级的:双芯的卡皇级“R9 Fury X2”。好吧,AMD一直没有公开过该卡的具体名字,但不出意外应该就是这么叫了,或者再玩点什么新花样。根据最新消息,R9 Fury X2将在今年第四季度发布,正好赶在年底购物旺季上市。http://img1.mydrivers.com/img/20150921/s_618b8522aab14f6c910d23d0b01965d3.jpg规格方面,它将配备两颗完整的Fiji XT GPU核心,总计8192个流处理器、512个纹理单元、128个ROP单元(如果不屏蔽一部分的话)。每个核心搭配4096-bit 4GB HBM显存,合计就是8192-bit 8GB,而且有效频率还是1GHz,总带宽将达到恐怖的1TB/s。目前,AMD工程师正在努力优化核心频率、功耗、CrossFireX交火效率。http://img1.mydrivers.com/img/20150921/s_c9988eb1e9c14134945ac2d987882e77.jpg如果核心频率能达到1GHz,那么单精度浮点性能将超过17TFlops(17万亿次每秒),但功耗必然也会十分惊人,毕竟单卡已经275W,需要双8针辅助供电,当然考虑到规格几乎媲美旗舰的R9 Nano已经只需175W,希望还是有的。至于交火,AMD GCN架构支持全新的XDMA无桥交火技术,效率更高,而且DX12也原生支持多GPU,可进一步提升效率,况且还能完整利用所有显存,8GB再也不会束手束脚了。有趣的是,NVIDIA方面的麦克斯韦家族一直没有消费级双芯的消息,倒是高性能计算的Tesla M60配备了俩GM204核心。http://img1.mydrivers.com/img/20150921/s_86c990525b1c4c68bc13a70f2a3b0a67.jpg冶天:都懂的.

冶天 发表于 2015-9-21 23:12:50

@苏姿丰 @AMD @Radeon @fury雷霆 @goodcup @幽幽子 @自由的风 @fullaway @不骑不舒服 @gby4411 @owen @沉默の天才 @Mcisu萌 @WzHua @远古装机猿 @liuwei88@处暑 @margu_168 @z23wen @Daten89 @DKsacred@Ecthellin @mang @冰夷流云 @该隐的复仇 @包子侯爵 @胸口碎大石 @拜占廷查士丁尼 @blakeweng @limete @archxm @zfb660824 @成功之巅 @ultrakille@j33123335

Mcisu萌 发表于 2015-9-22 00:13:35


包子侯爵 发表于 2015-9-22 10:32:48


包子侯爵 发表于 2015-9-22 10:37:53

As it turns out the answer to the question can it deliver? is a resounding yes. Sadly however as we only have one Fury X in-house we weren’t able to conduct our own testing. However thankfully we can turn to our good friends at Tweaktown.com who were among the first to publish CrossfireX results for the R9 Fury X. At 3840×2160, which is the resolution that we would reasonably expect gamers who’d spend $1300+ on a pair of graphics cards to play games at, two R9 Fury X cards in CrossfireX demonstrated a significant lead in average and/or minimum FPS in 6 out of 7 tested games against two GTX Titan X cards in SLI. Against two GTX 980 Ti graphics cards in SLI, two R9 Fury X cards were faster in all 7 tested titles at 4K.

At 2560×1440 it was a much closer race. The dual R9 Fury X setup comes out ahead in 3 out of 7 games, the dual Titan X setup comes out ahead in 3 other games and both setups come to a dead heat in one out of the seven tested titles. It might seem slightly peculiar at first that Fury X cards in CrossfireX are far more competitive with the Nvidia offerings than the same Fury X cards in single GPU setups. One 980 Ti will often outperform one Fury X at 2560×1440. And while it’s a much closer race between the two cards at 4K, when it comes to multi GPU setups two Fury X cards will often lead two GTX 980 Ti cards in SLI.

包子侯爵 发表于 2015-9-22 10:41:53

意思就是Fury X 双卡交火在2160p下,Fury X CF在6/7个游戏下领先Titan X SLI。在4K下Fury X CF完爆 GTX 980 Ti SLI。双芯卡和双卡交火值得期待

冶天 发表于 2015-9-22 10:44:48

包子侯爵 发表于 2015-9-22 10:41
意思就是Fury X 双卡交火在2160p下,Fury X CF在6/7个游戏下领先Titan X SLI。在4K下Fury X CF完爆 GTX 980 ...


CNNcz43 发表于 2015-9-22 11:56:53


Mil_Paso 发表于 2015-9-22 13:06:25

补充:2k下三个测试fury x2领先ttx sli 和980ti sli,三个测试ttx sli领先fury x2,980ti sli只有一个测试领先fury x2

ultrakiller 发表于 2015-9-22 14:01:08


包子侯爵 发表于 2015-9-22 15:30:20

然而某宝上有4899的阿苏斯Fury X天哪噜

Mil_Paso 发表于 2015-9-22 15:43:56

ultrakiller 发表于 2015-9-22 14:01 static/image/common/back.gif
其实这卡应该是AMD旗舰双芯以来设计难度最小的一款吧,Fury本来就是短卡+水冷,双芯直接加长pcb即可,散热 ...

PCB比fury x长一点,不过目测还是比ttx短

我不是啊牛 发表于 2015-9-22 16:35:45


fullaway 发表于 2015-9-22 17:08:39


margu_168 发表于 2015-9-22 20:07:11

{:5_154:} 快上红警600W.。。我们可以炸了整个绿教大楼

猎鹰 发表于 2015-9-28 02:12:53

单卡干掉ttx sli的节奏{:5_138:}
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