http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=113579&start=195由于AMD在近期发布的几个驱动(15.10,15.11,15.11.1)中并未如承诺的那样修复洛克希德马丁公司的飞行模拟软件Prepar3D V3版本中驱动重置问题,近日大量国外玩家在洛马公司P3D论坛表达了失望和厌倦心情,并表示不会继续购买AMD产品。
Unbelievable but the same Beta drivers that worked for me on the R9 280 3Gig card do NOT work with the R9 290 4Gig card and we are still back in the same screen lock up during texture load right at the end of scenery load. It definitely did work with my R9 280 3 gig card though so AMD have still have not fixed this issue if you have a top end 290 or I would also assume the newer 390 series cards. Playing right into Nvidia hands I think and we all expect this problem fixed ASAP. rollback to 14.12 for me for this card AGAIN hopefully!
Very disappointing.
Two days ago , 16 november, AMD released new Beta drivers 15.11.1
A few perfomance optmizations for different games.
Know issues....., ...missing P3D
Why is P3D not in the list.
As a customer of two (2!) Fury graphic cards for two PC's , both used for P3D, I am very disappointed.
They are the last AMD products I will ever buy.
This customer service is unacceptable.
Waiting, waiting, waiting....................
I confirm beta didn't work to me too. I own a 295x2 (my first AMD card after years of NVIDIAs) and it will be the last one. I got tired of them...
@AMD @Fury镭霆