包子侯爵 发表于 2015-7-15 10:24:33


Title:The Non-Existent Chinese Console War – PC Remains the Platform of Choice for Chinese Gamers
From: http://wccftech.com/nonexistent-chinese-console-war-pc-remains-platform-choice-chinese-gamers

News Update: There is literally no sign of the Console War in China owing to the huge number of PC fans around. According to data released a couple of weeks ago by an Asian Gaming consultancy firm named Niko, the combined number of unit sales of the PS4 and the Xbox One, in China, are a “disappointing” 550,000 units for the half year 2015.

Story: Globally, we have seen the two heavyweights of the console gaming industry battle it out for the ultimate glory for a little more than one and a half year now. We’ve seen enough now to conclude that neither one is backing down from the fight that we nowadays refer to as the Console War.

China’s Non-Existent Console War is a Huge Opportunity for Sony and Microsoft
According to the data reported almost a week back, we’ve seen that there is a huge difference of unit sales between the Sony’s PS4 and the Microsoft’s Xbox One (Given the fact that Nintendo’s Wii U doesn’t target the same sector of the market coupled with the facts that it released a year before both the PS4 and the Xbox One consoles and that it is still lagging behind, we’re going to ignore the Wii U’s sales figures). But this difference is not so long lasting as you might think. Recent reports have suggested that Xbox One is reviving its sales after an amazing E3 conference where in Spain, the Xbox One is said to have doubled its sales in the period following E3 2015.

But that does not say anything about the Console War in China where the console sales are disappointing and as stated above, the PS4 and the Xbox One have had a combined unit sale of 550,000 units in China. This might just be due to the uncontrollable and ever increasing piracy rate in China as pirated PC games are only a small fraction of the price of the actual game. Whats more is that you can download these game off online torrent websites for virtually no cost at the expense of your internet download policy and increasing wait times as games setups require more and more space.

The Chinese gaming market is very much adjustable at the moment and can be molded to the advantage of console giants like Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. All it requires is some diverse and thick feasibility studies to tap into that enormous amount of potential that a massive market like China may bring into the Console War.

Don’t be shy to share your own take at how Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo can exploit China’s gaming market and stay tuned as we bring you regular updates on the console war.

z23wen 发表于 2015-7-15 10:57:06

既然网游是主力,那么玩网游除了主机就是PC了,谁会闲的蛋疼专门买个PS4或者XBOX ONE去玩网游啊。

包子侯爵 发表于 2015-7-15 11:00:20

z23wen 发表于 2015-7-15 10:57
主机2015年才开始进入大陆,而批准的游戏要么是网 ...


Ecthellin 发表于 2015-7-15 11:06:16


gby4411 发表于 2015-7-15 11:20:05

包子侯爵 发表于 2015-7-15 11:00

哪个联网的不要钱 告诉我{:5_138:}

包子侯爵 发表于 2015-7-15 11:25:16

gby4411 发表于 2015-7-15 11:20
哪个联网的不要钱 告诉我


gby4411 发表于 2015-7-15 11:27:15

包子侯爵 发表于 2015-7-15 11:25


z23wen 发表于 2015-7-15 16:27:38


ALUCARD 发表于 2015-7-15 16:57:37


冶天 发表于 2015-7-15 22:28:42

主要还是专一特性 效率和定制 但不是相对于PC来的 不同用户群 欧美用户居多 国内有人也有玩这个 没有直接可比性 各自不同的环境 这问题也不要不屑 不同人不同想法 强加是不好的

Mil_Paso 发表于 2015-7-16 10:18:28


幽幽子 发表于 2015-7-16 15:26:21


冶天 发表于 2015-7-16 15:53:46

本帖最后由 冶天 于 2015-7-16 15:58 编辑

小A和自己的开发商转变收益模式 新开拓用户 出任务 解锁 内嵌合作等 新开发商很重要 隔壁和开发商 貌似持续增长 也没怎么打击 毕竟品牌模式和交易很高 影响了小A 至少人家不管什么模式 本体一直做大 还是的走进用户 和 用户一起创建未来 供需成长

冶天 发表于 2015-7-16 16:07:47

人家用户有游戏(提高自家或者限制小A) 销售有回报 当然用户也肯定有 小A直接作用于用户 没有就都没有 肯定也不好 要有 一起有 双赢 用户是普及者也是使用者

冶天 发表于 2015-7-16 16:48:26

本帖最后由 冶天 于 2015-7-16 17:18 编辑

小A用户多半是不求回报的 纯凭感受的 总是受气 应该重视 配了东西的 还是义务解决 后来逐渐失去了动力 心累受损 想没事 享受 就别家 自己和自己搞 基础储备都是钱烧出来 练出来的 觉得可以 还是选的小A 如果有可能或者环境改善 不应忘记朴实的用户 用户和小A急功近利 又是不行的 不能走偏 每个小A用户 都有自己的普及和用户购买过的资料 数量不一定很多 但都是拼熬出来的 都是理智用户 喜欢和学到知识和获得乐趣 玩游戏不是看行情发烧游戏 并没有说一定这一定那 现在论坛的A友都是自然的 不应对不起用户 没有用户什么都不是 照顾享受不如努力一起创建未来 才都有获得 小A性价比高的产品 有用户互助的贡献 帮助者基本都是深藏功与民 购买的用户相信了获得的增值也是大于帮助者的 领卷 晒单 抽奖活动也都与帮助者无缘 线下的运气好说不定有口水喝 线上的......

冶天 发表于 2015-7-16 16:52:13

@Radeon @幽幽子
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