Fallout4 Pip-boy 表示没有其他版本
Title:There won’t be another batch of Fallout 4 Pip-Boy EditionsFrom:http://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/there-wont-be-another-batch-of-fallout-4-pip-boy-editions/
Back at E3, Bethesda announced the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition, which as the name would suggest, comes with a wearable Pip-Boy along with the game. As you would expect, these sold out very quickly and while Bethesda were able to get an extra batch or two out for pre-orderers, the company literally can’t produce any more of them as the manufacturer is all tied up.
There is still a ton of demand for the special edition Fallout 4 package and while Bethesda would like to deliver more Pip-Boy editions to fans, it can’t. Speaking with GameSpot at QuakeCon, Bethesda’s vice president of marketing, Pete Hines, said: “We reached a point where we’d go back to the factories and they were like, ‘guys, this is it, sorry. This is as long as we can run the lines and as many of them as we can make.”
Apparently the manufacturer behind the Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4 was pretty flexible the first couple of times Bethesda wanted to increase the amount of stock but eventually, the publisher hit a wall as the manufacturer had to move on to work for other clients.
“We’d go back to the factories and say, ‘Demand for this is insane, we’ve got to make more, and they’d move other projects off or shift stuff to other factories”. Unfortunately, without finding an entirely new factory to work with, Bethesda can’t increase supply.
Some of those who were lucky enough to reserve a Pip-Boy Edition have now listed them on eBay at a significant mark up.
KitGuru Says: The Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition ended up being very popular indeed. Did any of you manage to pre-order the Pip-Boy Edition before stock ran out? {:4_96:} 可惜狗儿只需要一条狗链就行了... margu_168 发表于 2015-7-29 09:54