包子侯爵 发表于 2016-2-25 20:08:58

AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.2更新内容

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.2 Highlights

[*]AMD has partnered with Stardock in association with Oxide to bring gamers Ashes of the Singularity – Benchmark 2.0 the first benchmark to release with DirectX® 12 benchmarking capabilities such as Asynchronous Compute, multi-GPU and multi-threaded command buffer Re-ordering. Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.2 is optimized to support this exciting new release.(奇点灰烬基准测试2.0优化)
[*]The SteamVR Performance Test: we are pleased to report that our Radeon R9 390, Nano, and Fury series GPUs are all able to achieve 'VR Recommended' status, the highest achievable level of experience possible. In addition to that, our affinity multi-GPU feature is already showing significant performance uplift over a single GPU on Radeon cards in the aforementioned benchmark(SteamVR Performance 测试)

Performance and quality improvements for(性能优化)

[*]Rise of the Tomb Raider™(古墓丽影:崛起)
[*]Ashes of the Singularity – Benchmark 2(奇点灰烬 基准测试2)
Crossfire Profiles available for(CF支持)

[*]The Division(全境封锁)
[*]XCOM 2(幽浮 2)

Resolved Issues(解决的问题)

[*]A black screen/TDR error may be encountered when booting asystem with Intel + AMD graphics and an HDMI monitor connected(当同时使用Intel核显和AMD独显并连接HDMI显示器时 在启动时有可能出现黑屏或TDR)
[*]Choppy gameplay may be experienced when both AMD Freesync™ and AMD Crossfire™ are both enabled
[*]Display corruption may be observed after keeping system idle for some time
[*]Fallout 4 - Flickering may be experienced at various game locations with the v1.3 game update and with AMD Crossfire™ enabled
[*]Fallout 4 - Foliage/water may ripple/stutter when game is launched in High/Ultra settings mode
[*]Fallout 4 - Screen tearing in systems with both AMD Freesync™ and AMD Crossfire™ enabled if game is left idle for a short period of time
[*]Fallout 4 - Thumbnails may flicker or disappear while scrolling the Perk levels page
[*]Far Cry 4 - Stuttering may be observed when launching the game with AMD Freesync™ and AMD Crossfire™ enabled
[*]FRTC options are displayed on some unsupported laptop configurations with Intel CPU's and AMD GPU's
[*]Radeon Settings may sometimes fails to launch with a "Context Creation Error" message
[*]Rise of the Tomb Raider™ - Corruption can be observed at some locations during gameplay
[*]Rise of the Tomb Raider™ - Flickering may be experienced at various game locations when the game is left idle in AMD Crossfire™mode under Windows 7
[*]Rise of the Tomb Raider™ - Game may intermittently crash or hang when launched with very high settings and AA is set to SMAA at 4K resolution
[*]Rise of the Tomb Raider™ - Lara Croft's hair may flicker in some locations if the Esc key is pressed
[*]Rise of Tomb Raider™ - A TDR error may be observed with some AMD Radeon 300 Series products after launching the "Geothermal Valley" mission
[*]The AMD Overdrive™memory clock slider does not show original clock values if memory speeds are overclocked(Overdrive显存时钟侧当显存超频时未显示原始时钟频率)
[*]World of Warcraft runs extremely slowly in quad crossfire at high resolutions

Known Issues(已知问题)

[*]A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay"
[*]Star Wars™: Battlefront - Corrupted ground textures may be observed in the Survival of Hoth mission
[*]Cannot enable AMD Crossfire with some dual GPU AMD Radeon HD 59xx and HD 79xx series products
[*]Fallout 4 - In game stutter may be experienced if the game is launched with AMD Crossfire enabled
[*]XCOM 2 - Flickering textures may be experienced at various game locations
[*]Rise of the Tomb Raider™ - The game may randomly crash on launch if Tessellation is enabled
[*]Core clocks may not maintain sustained clock speeds resulting in choppy performance and or screen corruption

wyandhml 发表于 2016-2-25 20:20:56


wyandhml 发表于 2016-2-25 20:22:55


冰崶318 发表于 2016-2-25 20:25:27


包子侯爵 发表于 2016-2-25 20:28:33

冰崶318 发表于 2016-2-25 20:25


包子侯爵 发表于 2016-2-25 20:29:46

wyandhml 发表于 2016-2-25 20:20

具体游戏内的问题优化自己机翻一下 我没玩过这游戏 翻不准的

Freedom 发表于 2016-2-25 21:21:37

包子侯爵 发表于 2016-2-25 20:29
具体游戏内的问题优化自己机翻一下 我没玩过这游戏 翻不准的


该隐的复仇 发表于 2016-2-25 21:28:46


AMD与Stardock公司与氧化物玩家带来奇异的灰烬协会合作 - 基准2.0的第一个基准测试的DirectX 12基准测试功能,如异步计算,多GPU和多线程命令缓冲区重新排序的Radeon软件发布深红版16.2进行了优化,以支持这一激动人心的新版本。
该SteamVR性能测试:我们很高兴向大家报告,我们的Radeon R9 390纳米,与骚动系列GPU都能够实现“VR推荐”的地位,经验可能达到的最高水平除此之外,我们亲和力的多GPU功能已经显示出了在上述基准的Radeon显卡单GPU性能显著隆起
奇异的灰烬 - 基准2
引导与英特尔+ AMD显卡的系统和连接的HDMI显示器时可能会遇到黑屏/ TDR错误
当两个AMD Freesync™和AMD交火™都启用了波涛汹涌的游戏可体验
辐射4 - 闪烁可能在与V1.3游戏更新,并启用了AMD交火™各种游戏地点体验
辐射4 - 当游戏高/超设置模式启动叶子/水波纹会/结巴
辐射4 - 屏幕与两个AMD Freesync™和AMD交火™系统启用撕裂,如果游戏是闲置的短时间
辐射4 - 缩略图可能会闪烁或消失时滚动振作水平页
孤岛惊魂4 - 口吃可能与推出AMD Freesync™和AMD交火™游戏时启用观察
个fRTC选项会显示与Intel的CPU和AMD GPU的一些不支持的笔记本电脑配置
古墓丽影™的兴起 - 腐败可以在游戏过程中一些地方观察
古墓丽影™的兴起 - 闪烁可以在各种游戏场所经历当游戏在Windows 7下闲置在AMD交火™模式
古墓丽影™的兴起 - 游戏可能会间歇性崩溃或时具有非常高的设置,启动和AA是在4K分辨率设置为挂SMAA
古墓丽影™的兴起 - 劳拉·克劳馥的头发可能,如果按Esc键在一些地点闪烁
古墓丽影™的兴起 - 可能与一些的AMD Radeon 300系列产品中观察到的TDR错误发动“地热谷”的任务后,
星球大战™:前线 - 堕落地面纹理可能在霍斯的使命生存观察
你不能用一些双GPU使AMD交火的AMD Radeon HD 59XX和79XX HD系列产品
辐射4 - 如果游戏推出,AMD启用Crossfire在游戏中的口吃可能经历
XCOM 2 - 闪烁的纹理可以在各种游戏地点体验
古墓丽影™的兴起 - 游戏可能会随机在启动如果启用了崩溃的Tessellation

包子侯爵 发表于 2016-2-25 21:38:01

该隐的复仇 发表于 2016-2-25 21:28



eocn 发表于 2016-2-25 21:38:34


包子侯爵 发表于 2016-2-25 22:13:33

eocn 发表于 2016-2-25 21:38

{:5_133:}不不不 不用翻译
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