AMD Polaris 10 R9 490 / 480 GPU规格泄露
本帖最后由 包子侯爵 于 2016-3-25 22:34 编辑AMD Polaris 10 R9 490 / 480 GPU Specs Leaked – 8GB VRAM, 256bit Bus & 2304 GCN 4.0 Cores
AMD北极星 R9 490 / 480 GPU 规格泄露 —— 8GB VRAM 256bit 2304个GCN 4.0处理器
An entry of AMD’s Polaris 10 GPU with included hardware specifications has just beenspotted on the SiSoft Sandra benchmarking database. Polaris 10 is one of two Polaris GPUs, the other being Polaris 11. Unintuitively named. Polaris 10 is actually the larger chip of the two.
我们从SiSoft Sandra的基准数据库里找到了关于AMD北极星10 GPU的硬件规格。北极星10是两个北极星架构GPU的其中一个,也是较大的一个,而另一个是北极星11.
Chief Architect & head of AMD’s Radeon Technologies Group confirmed that the naming scheme is time-based & Polaris 10 had simply been designed before Polaris 11, hence the smaller numerical designation. Polaris 10 is AMD’s mid-range 14nm FinFET graphics chip, Polaris 11 is the smallest of the family and Vega 10 is the HBM2 powered high-end GPU launching in 2017 to succeed to the Fury lineup. Which will feature AMD’s next generation Vega architecture and will be the company’sfirst GPU to feature second generation High Bandwidth Memory.
AMD 高级副总裁和Radeon技术事业部首席架构师(我们熟悉的印度大叔)证实北极星10的命名是因为设计时间比11早,所以采用10这个数字。北极星10是中端的14nm FinFET的GPU芯片,北极星11是整个家族里面积最小的芯片。Vega10将会在2017年发布来成为Fury家族的接班者,它将会使用HBM2技术。
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AMD Polaris 10 GPU Specs Leaked – Features 8GB VRAM & 256bit Bus
AMD 北极星 10 GPU 参数爆款 – Features 8GB VRAM 加上 256bit 总线
The SiSoft entry points to an 8GB GDDR5/X, 256bit GPU with 2304 4th generation GCN cores. Interestingly this is the exact same memory capacity & bus configuration we’ve seen on Nvidia’s upcoming GP104 Pascal based GTX 1080 & GTX 1070 graphics cards.
从SiSoft的数据我们得出北极星10是有8GB GDDR5(X)256bit,有2304个GCN核心。有趣的是这和老黄的使用GP104帕斯卡核心的GTX 1080和 1070显卡的配置拥有相同的显存和总线。
This particular Polaris 10 chip carries the 0x67DF device ID, which according to AMD’s recently released driver source code indicates that we’re likely at the cut down variant of Polaris 10. So this is likely the Polaris 10 configuration that we’re going to end up seeing as the R9 490 or R9 480.
这个特殊的北极星10芯片的设备ID是0x67DF,根据AMD最近发布的设备源码表明这个可能是阉割过的北极星10,所以这更像是R9 490或R9 480的参数。
The full Polaris 10 deviceID being 0x67C0 and likely sporting 2816 GCN cores like Hawaii XT. The driver source code also confirmed that Polaris 10 is indeed Ellesemere and Polaris 11 is Baffin. Both of which are Arctic Islands GPU code names that we had covered extensively.
完整的北极星10设备ID是0x67C0,他有就和Hawaii XT一样有2816个GCN和核心。根据设备源码可知北极星的代号可能是Ellesemere(埃尔斯米尔岛),北极星11的代号可能是Baffin(巴芬岛)。链接里是北极的各个岛屿……
There’s no entry for the full Polaris 10 chip in the database just yet so we don’t know how many GCN cores it will feature. However, seeing as how the R9 390 & 390X perform remarkably close to each other AMD will have likely decided to create a wider space between the full Polaris 10 chip , Ellesmere XT, and the cut down Polaris 10 chip, Ellesmere Pro. But it’s anybody’s guess right now.
但是在数据库了没有完整的北极星10芯片记录,所以我们并不知道有多少GCN核心。但是根据R9 390和R9 390X的性能差距,AMD似乎会拉开完整的北极星10、Ellesmere XT和阉割的北极星10、 Ellesmere Pro之间的差距。但是现在谁也说不准。
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The SiSoft entry also includes the clock speed of the card, which at 800Mhz is surprisingly low. So we’re likely looking at an early engineering sample here. Especially considering the fact that 14nm FinFET clocks much higher than 28nm. So I’d expect frequencies upwards of ~1150Mhz on the production chips.
在SiSoft出现那条记录显示显卡的主频只有很低的800Mhz,所以这很有可能是工程卡。加之14nm FinFET的主频比28nm的要高,所以我们认为成品的主频将会在1150Mhz左右
With that in mind, the GPU actually did well in the benchmark and came ahead of the GTX Titan Black. Which features a full GK110 chip and coincidentally is faster than a 2816 GCN core Hawaii XT GPU. Also funnily enough this is very close to the performance we’ve seen from the leaked GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 benchmarks.
如果考虑这一点的话,GPU将会在基准测试中超越GTX Titan Black。它采用的GK110芯片会比2816个GCN核心的Hawaii XT更快。我们发现这个基准测试的结果非常接近之前泄露的GTX 1080和GTX 1070。
Despite the low clock speed & the lower number of GCN cores this particular configuration of Polaris 10 still performed ahead of where you’d expect an R9 290X to perform. This in turn indicates that 4th generation GCN cores perform measurably better per clock than their predecessors.
尽管这个特别的北极星10的主频和GCN核心很少,但是它的性能仍比R 290X要高。这表明GCN4.0的效率比前任的要高。
Also worthy of note is that this Polaris 10 engineering sample features 6Gbps GDDR5 memory chips rather than GDDR5X which combined with a 256bit bus delivers 192GB/s of bandwidth. Exactly half the memory bandwidth of the R9 390 and 390X, which indicates that production Polaris 10 cards could feature 12Gbps GDDR5X memory instead to deliver the same amount of bandwidth.
这块工程卡同样值得关注的方面还有显存。它采用的是6Gbps的GDDR5而不是256bit总线 192GB/s带宽的GDDR5X。这正好是R9 390和390X一半的带宽,有可能会表明这北极星10的卡可能会用12Gbps GDDR5X来达到相同的带宽。
Polaris 11 And Polaris 10 Are AMD’s Fastest And Most Power Efficient GPUs To Date
北极星11和10是 AMD 现在最快也是效率最高的GPU
Speaking with Raja asserted that both Polaris 11 and Polaris 10 are “extremely power efficient”.He continued to say that these GPUs and the Polaris architecture in general will deliver “our most revolutionary jump in performance so far”. Which are mighty exciting words for Radeon enthusiasts coming from the head of AMD’s Radeon Technologies Group.
Raja Koduri, head of Radeon Technologies Group at AMD
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi via
Raja also spoke briefly about the makeup of the new graphics architecture. Featuring a new geometry processor, a redesigned command processor and completely new 4th generation Graphics Core Next compute units – the main component of all modern AMD GPUs – with “a very high increase in performance”. He also spoke about the new multimedia cores and the new display engine in Polaris. Which will enable gamers to record and stream 4K gameplay at 60 FPS with no performance cost.
Raja非常明确的表示新的图形架构带来的“很高的性能提升”靠的是重新设计的命令处理器和全新第4代GCN计算单元(AMD GPU的重要组成部分)。他也谈及北极星新的多媒体核心和显示引擎,说这会开启玩家0开销录制4K 60FPS 视频流的时代。
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Polaris 10 & Polaris 11 Will Feature GDDR5/X
It’s true that we will have to wait until next year for HBM2 GPUs from either Nvidia or AMD. Nvidia’s GP104 powered GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 cards – not official names – are reportedly configured for GDDR5X. And there’s virtually no chance of neither Nvidia or AMD risking production of large GPUs like GP100 or Vega 10 this early in the nodes’ lifecycles. Neither 16nm or 14nm will be mature enough for large GPU launches this year. This is all assuming HBM2 production has already sufficiently ramped up, which hasn’t yet.
事实上我们要在明年才能等到两家的HBM2 GPU。老黄的基于GP104的GTX 1080 和 GTX 1070(非正式命名)卡被曝采用GDDR5X,看起来两家的大核心(Vega 10 和GP 100)也不会在现在这个生命周期结束前的某个节点发布。14nm和16nm技术对于今年发布大核心GPU来说也并不是那么成熟。本来预计的HBM2也跳票了。
Despite that, what we’re getting this year is still going to deliver a very significant jump in performance, performance per watt and performance per dollar. This is thanks to the much needed arrival of FinFET manufacturing technology as well as GDDR5X.
This update to the GDDR5 memory spec is simple enough. Double the capacity and double the data rate of GDDR5 with minimal alterations to the protocol. That in turn means existing GDDR5 memory controllers will only need minor design updates to be compatible with GDDR5X. Which saves Nvidia and AMD a lot of engineering effort and cost. Double the bandwidth also means GDDR5X will do more than an adequate job of keeping faster, bigger, next generation FinFET GPUs happy and well fed until HBM2 arrives in 2017.
GDDR5X在GDDR5上进行了一点小小的改动就实现了双倍的速度。这意味着只要小小的设计更新就能实现兼容。这既减少了两家的工作量,也节约了成本。双倍带宽也意味着在2017年HBM2出来前GDDR5X将会在下一代FinFET GPU上保持速度和容量上的领先。
At double the speed of GDDR5, a GPU configured with a 256bit memory interface can have access to up to 448GB/s of bandwidth and 8GB of memory. That’s double the bandwidth available to the GTX 980 and twice the capacity. It’s also 33% more bandwidth than what’s available to the GTX Titan X. With that in perspective GDDR5X is clearly going to be more than enough for Nvidia’s GP104 GPU and AMD’s Polaris 10 GPU.
双倍于GDDR5的256bit 8GB显存有448GB/s的带宽。这双倍的带宽是GTX 980两倍的速度,也是133%GTX Titan X的需求。GDDR5X也满足了北极星10和老黄GP104的需求。
It’s not every day that we get GPUs with 2.5x better perf/watt, in fact not ever. This is the biggest jump from one generation to the next that we have ever seen. But it’s not all about efficiency, Raja is also promising the “most revolutionary jump in performance so far”.
Raja Koduri revealed at Capsaicin that AMD’s focus with Polaris is all about giving gamers a “sweet” performance per dollar deal. And this is exactly what Polaris 10 and Polaris 11 will do. AMD announced that Polaris graphics cards are going to be released mid 2016, this summer. AMD’s CEO Lisa Su later elaborated further, saying that Polaris graphics cards will be available on shelves and in notebooks before the back to school season this year.
There’s also been a lot of buzz around Nvidia potentially demoing Pascal at GTC in April, with GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 – not official names – graphics cards launching in the summer. AMD has already demoed Polaris 11 at CES and Polaris 10 at GDC, so we can’t wait to see Pascal in action. Hopefully next month.
竞争方老黄将会在下个月的GTC上演示今年发布的基于帕斯卡核心的GTX 1080 和 GTX 1070(非正式命名)。AMD已经在CES上演示过北极星11,在GDC上演示过北极星10,所以我们也期待下个月可能发布的帕斯卡。
一个东西你连续水了两帖。。。 {:6_170:}
包子,包子,你怎么就是不翻译,翻译。 TWIN-FURY 发表于 2016-3-25 14:42
{:6_173:}这帖内容比那个帖子多好伐 这个帖子我还在翻译 eocn 发表于 2016-3-25 14:57
翻了一点了,有事先出去一下,等会儿再翻{:6_170:} 我翻完的下半部分怎么消失啦{:6_173:}{:6_173:}{:6_173:}{:6_173:}{:6_173:} 包子侯爵 发表于 2016-3-25 15:05
我来也,我都看不明白。~ 你直接简化,直接比前代提示多少 ,价格几何 , 给小白看参数,然并卵 我将你通篇的翻译理解为,cu少了,但是更吊了。完了。。。 这是弱化通用计算吗?
才4T的单精度浮点? TWIN-FURY 发表于 2016-3-25 17:43
{:6_173:} Freedom 发表于 2016-3-25 17:36
你直接简化,直接比前代提示多少 ,价格几何 , 给小白看参数,然并卵
{:6_173:} eocn 发表于 2016-3-25 17:32
{:6_173:} z23wen 发表于 2016-3-25 18:07
为什么我没看到有写浮点啊{:6_173:} 好期待{:7_206:}
然而抠门的雷管连Fury都不给我{:6_173:} Radeon 发表于 2016-3-25 20:03
{:7_186:}直接让他给你北极星玩玩{:6_170:} {:6_170:} 看了半天,最后得出一个结论:今年没戏 寂寞艹无聊 发表于 2016-3-26 02:31
年中就出来了。。。 本帖最后由 z23wen 于 2016-3-26 16:24 编辑
估算的的,SP 只有2304,频率只有800,规格大约是FURY X的一半 Radeon 发表于 2016-3-26 12:20
{:6_170:} HBM2? GDDR5X就算了,一个过渡货