【转载】AMD R9 Fury X DigitialStorm Review – Dead Heat With Titan X
From:http://wccftech.com/amd-fury-digitialstorm-review-leaked-dead-heat-titan/版权来自:wccftech.comDigitalStorm’s review of the AMD Radeon R9 Fury X has just come out and the result between it and the GTX Titan X is as close as it can get. Both cards were tested at 4K in single-GPU and multi-GPU – Crossfire X and SLI – configurations. Power and temperature measurements were also taken.
This is the very first review of Fury X that’s found its way online. It’s also just one review, so you can really take it or leave it. We will have the opportunity to check out many more in three hours time so stay tuned to WCCF as we bring you a roundup of those. In the meantime take a peak at the benchmarks below.AMD Fury X DigitialStorm Review Leaked – Dead Heat With Titan X
It’s quite remarkable how close the result has turned out to be, with both cards performing within a single FPS of each other. In terms of power consumption the Fury X consumes about 40W more than the Titan X but with regards to thermals the Fury X is significantly ahead with 58c vs the Titan X’s 84c.The tested games include Battlefield 4, Crysis 3 and Bioshock Infinite.Also included in the results are two syntehtics namely Unigine Heaven and 3DMark Firestrike. The sample of games tested isn’t as large as we’d like but the choice of titles is fairly good.The AMD Radeon R9 Fury X should be available at $649.99 in-stores in under three hours, but before you pull the trigger we’d definitely recommend checking out more reviews. As mentioned earlier, we will make sure to do a review roundup right here on WCCFTech.com for your convenience as soon as the reviews start appearing online.
感谢搬运 比较真实,FURY和TATIAN在相对的游戏下,得分是不一样的.
想起N年钱一张5830在最终幻想网游下秒杀当时最高级别的N卡 j33123335 发表于 2015-6-24 22:02
想起N年钱一张5830在最终幻想网游下秒杀当时最高级 ...
感觉国内和国外媒体评测差的有点…… 为什么在超能网上看到1080P下比980Ti差了15%左右……不科学啊 Micchael 发表于 2015-6-24 22:14
自从看了国外评测,顿时不相信国内的评测了…… {:5_145:}{:5_145:} 包子侯爵 发表于 2015-6-24 22:19
刚才X动X家的测频,TITIAN还不如980TI,买980TI就转到了 我现在已经不想看评测了,不管能不能打败TTX和980TI,明年能降到3000就是好卡,我肯定买 包子侯爵 发表于 2015-6-24 22:07
那个因为NV和AMD都没得给SE的钱,真真实实考显卡本身的性能在跑 Micchael 发表于 2015-6-24 22:14