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本帖最后由 包子侯爵 于 2015-7-29 11:20 编辑

Title:Exclusive : Both Nvidia And AMD Sides of The GameWorks Story – Addressing Misconceptions And Getting To The Bottom Of The Issue Part 1
From: ... works-bottom-issue/


For this story we engaged with Nvidia and AMD to hear both sides of the GameWorks debate and get to the bottom of the issue. And I’m quite pleased to say that both parties were very receptive. There’s been a lot of confusion, a lot of hearsay, misconceptions and mischaracterizations around several aspects of this vital issue that we mean to address head-on today. And with the help of both Nvidia and AMD we’re hoping that we will come out with a clear understanding of both perspectives at either end of the discussion table and perhaps even find common ground from which potential solutions can spawn.



We should start by explaining what GameWorks is and the motivations that had sparked its creation.


What GameWorks Is And Why It Exists

GameWorks is a developer program set-up by Nvidia to provide game developers with a collection of graphics libraries and tools aimed at improving the visual quality of games. It includes technologies such as PhysX – Nvidia’s proprietary physics engine – as well as VisualFX which encompasses a number of Nvidia optimized rendering techniques and in-game visual effects. These include things like shadows, anti-aliasing, depth of field, global illumination, hair simulation, ambient occlusion, lighting and other effects.

GameWorks是一个开发人员计划建立由NVIDIA提供的游戏开发者的图形库和工具,旨在提高游戏的视觉质量的集合。它包括技术如PhysX物理-英伟达独有的物理引擎-以及它的Visualfx包含了许多Nvidia的优化渲染技术,并在游戏中的视觉效果。这些措施包括像阴影,抗锯齿,场,全局光照,毛发模拟,环境闭塞,照明等效果的深度。Below you will find the VisualFX solutions as listed on Nvidia’s website.

VisualFX provides solutions for rendering and effects including:(Visualfx提供用于渲染效果,也包括解决方案:)
  • HBAO+ Enhanced Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion HBAO +增强型基于地平线环境闭塞
  • TXAA Temporal Anti-aliasing TXAA时间反失真
  • Soft Shadows Improves on PCSS to reach new levels of quality and performance, with the ability to render cascaded shadow maps 软阴影改进了光导开关,达到质量和性能的新水平,以使级联阴影贴图的能力
  • Depth of Field Combination of diffusion based DOF and a fixed cost constant size bokeh effect 景深的扩散自由度基于组合和固定成本不变大小的背景虚化效果
  • FaceWorks Library for implementing high-quality skin and eye shading FaceWorks图书馆实现高品质的皮肤和眼睛的阴影
  • WaveWorks Cinematic-quality ocean simulation for interactive applications WaveWorks电影品质的海洋模拟互动应用
  • HairWorks Enabling simulation and rendering of fur, hair and anything with fibers HairWorks启用模拟和毛发,头发渲染和任何与纤维
  • GI Works Adding Global Illumination greatly improves the realism of the rendered image GI作品添加全局照明大大提高渲染图像的真实感
  • Turbulence High definition smoke and fog with physical interaction as well as supernatural effects湍流高清烟和雾与物理相互作用以及超自然的影响

Nvidia told us about several motivations which formed the primary driving force behind the development of the GameWorks program. For starters the program would allow the company to both widen its scope of reach and speed up the adoption rate of its technologies. The company had grown frustrated from how slowly things moved and it had to accelerate the turnover of its investment in this field. Faster and wider adoption means that more games can leverage more of Nvidia’s tech. This in turn translates to the creation of more games where the company can positively influence both the performance and the visuals to offer users of its latest GeForce products a better experience. But perhaps more importantly it gives the company a competitive advantage by which it can justify its investment.


We’re told that the rate of adoption was lacking because games had grown more complex and so had the visual effects and rendering techniques in these games. By offering developers the convenience of an easy to integrate dynamically linked library – essentially a middleware solution – that’s already optimized for Nvidia’s hardware, it can cut back tremendously on the development time and allow game developers to dedicate their resources to focus on other areas in their games.

我们被告知采纳率少了点,因为游戏已经变得更加复杂,所以不得不视觉效果和渲染技术,在这些游戏。通过提供开发的易于集成的动态链接库中的便利性 - 基本上是一个中间件解决方案 - 这已经为Nvidia的硬件进行了优化,它可以回大大削减开发时间,让游戏开发者奉献自己的资源集中在其他领域的游戏。

The fact that Nvidia maintains tight quality control measures over its GameWorks libraries means that it can guarantee the level of quality and performance of each feature once it’s in the game. It also means that the company can more quickly and readily update and iterate on each library to introduce better visuals and superior performance characteristics on a regular basis. This in turn gives Nvidia a more authoritative say in how the feature runs and looks in the game, after all it is its intellectual property.


This approach of providing game developers with ready-made effects in the form of DLLs as a middleware solution differs from the traditional approach that Nvidia has taken before GameWorks’ inception. And also differs from the approach that its competitors, namely Intel and AMD, continue to follow. The traditional approach involves supplying game developers with the source code of the feature so it can be implemented directly into the game rather than through a middle layer. The developers would have complete freedom over how the feature is implemented, they can look at the source code and make changes to it as they see fit. In this case the game developer would maintain the ultimate say in how their game looks, runs and more importantly how it’s optimized.


With the GameWorks program developers can gain access to source code through a licensing deal with Nvidia. However this means that developers are not allowed to share this code with anyone else without a license, this obviously includes Nvidia’s competitors like AMD and Intel.


However we’re told that game developers are still allowed to optimize GameWorks features for competitors’ hardware without showing it to them and as long as it does not negatively impact the performance of Nvidia hardware.


This is inherently different from the industry standard approach discussed earlier, where the developer not the hardware vendor – in this case NVIDIA – gets to decide who can and cannot see the code and what they can do to it. It brings us back to the earlier point about how GameWorks enables Nvidia to have a more authoritative say in the game’s performance.

这是从前面讨论的行业标准做法是,如果开发商没有硬件供应商本质上的不同 - 在这种情况下NVIDIA - 得到决定谁可以和不能看到的代码,他们可以做什么吧。它使我们回到前面的点约GameWorks如何使Nvidia公司已经在游戏中的表现更权威的发言权。

I also have to point out an important distinction here between a regular GameWorks-developer partnership and a source license. By default Nvidia provides GameWorks features in binary only builds without source code. The license to gain access to source code is not automatically given to Nvidia GameWorks partners and certainly not for free. If the developer wants access to the source code they have to specifically request a source license and are required to pay a fee. Unfortunately, Nvidia has not shared with us or any other publication what this fee is.


And this is where things get quite complicated and a few points of contention arise; both from AMD’s perspective and some game developers’ perspective. The first of which is that this puts some limits on the developers’ control over their game. Because it’s not their own code, rather it is Nvidia’s code that they’ve merely licensed. So they have to follow the guidelines set forth by the licensor. And this creates a different dynamic where some decisions – that would traditionally be made by the developer – would now be delegated to Nvidia instead.

这就是事情变得非常复杂,出现争几个点; 无论是从AMD的​​角度和一些游戏开发商的角度来看。其中第一个是,这使一些限制对开发商的控制自己的游戏。因为这不是他们自己的代码,相反,它是Nvidia的代码,他们只是授权。因此,他们必须按照规定的许可的指导方针。这将创建一个不同的动态,其中一些决定 - 这将传统上由开发商进行 - 现在将被委托给Nvidia的代替。

“It’s not CD Projekt Red’s decision to allow the Nvidia tech to work on AMD GPUs – that is Nvidia’s decision and most commonly-used features from us are platform-agnostic. It’s the same for CPU-based PhysX and Clothworks as well.”
“这不是CD Projekt的红决定允许Nvidia的技术工作,在AMD的GPU -这是Nvidia的决定,最常用的功能,我们是平台无关的。这是相同的基于CPU的PhysX和Clothworks为好。“

Clearly the implications of this beg a serious discussion and there were many questions that we wanted to ask both NVIDIA and AMD, so we talked to both. Let’s start with NVIDIA first. I’ve personally spent over an hour on the phone with NVIDIA’s head of PR for GameWorks, Brian Burke. He eagerly wanted to get on the phone to kick off this discussion and an hour long international call is nothing to sniff at. I’ve made sure to make mention of this because it just goes to show how important this debate truly is and how much it means to NVIDIA, so hats off to Brian for reaching out to us!


We discussed NVIDIA’s GameWorks developer program at length as well as some specifics with regards to its implementation in some games like The Witcher 3. But because the discussion had gone on for such a long time I followed up with Brian to distill it down to one digestible interview.


Interview with NVIDIA’s Brian Burke


What’s the difference between Nvidia’s The Way It’s Meant To Be Played sponsorship program and the GameWorks developer program ?

TWIMTBP is our promise of a great gaming experience. GameWorks helps us achieve that promise. GameWorks encompasses all of the game-related technologies we’ve invented over the years, the graphics technologies and the tools to implement them that help game developers build better games. It is backed by over 300 visual effects engineers who develop libraries, developer tools, and samples, and who work closely with developers to help enhance their games.


In other words TWIMTBP is a marketing program through which game developers can partner with Nvidia to co-market their game. While GameWorks is a developer program through which NVIDIA can work with game developers to integrate its GameWorks IP – library of optimized visual effects – into the developers’ IP in this case video games.

换句话说TWIMTBP是一个营销方案,使游戏开发者可以与Nvidia的合作伙伴,共同市场的游戏。虽然GameWorks是一个开发计划,通过它可以NVIDIA与游戏开发商合作,以整合其GameWorks IP - 优化视觉效果库 - 成开发商“在这种情况下,视频游戏的IP。

Nvidia has managed to work with developers for years to implement technologies invented by Nvidia, for example HBAO and TXAA in Crysis 3, why does Nvidia see a need for the GameWorks program now ?
We created GameWorks to advance gaming at a faster pace. To make games better, faster.  Everyone at NVIDIA believes that great gaming hardware needs great gaming content. So we invest an enormous amount of our resources in making games better.
We used to just give out code samples for effects, and we still do.   But as effects became increasingly more complex, just giving away code samples was not effective. It took too long to get the effects in to games and created work for developers.  So we turned our library of special effects into a middleware solution. Productizing them into middleware is a more production-oriented approach to game effects.  It makes integration easier and allows effects to be adopted by more developers more quickly, accelerating the pace of innovation in games.


This is what we had mentioned earlier with regards to games’ visual effects growing more complex and NVIDIA’s motiviation to speed up the rate of adoption of its IP.


Are game developers precluded from optimizing source code provided by Nvidia through the GameWorks program for non Nvidia hardware ?
No.  Our agreements with developers don’t prevent them from working with any other IHVs to optimize their game or any GameWorks features. GameWorks is a middleware, and like any other middleware we offer developers a source licensing. We provide source code, under license, to developers who request it.  Licensees just can’t redistribute our source code to anyone who does not have a license.
If a developer requests source code for an Nvidia GameWorks feature, under license, and is then provided with source code, is that developer then free to edit that code as they see fit to optimize it for IHVs other than Nvidia ? assuming they don’t redistribute it.
Yes. As long as it does not lower performance on NVIDIA GPUs
是游戏开发商,从优化通过GameWorks计划非Nvidia的硬件提供Nvidia的源代码排除?号 我们与开发商的协议并不妨碍他们与任何其他独立硬件厂商合作,以优化其游戏或任何GameWorks功能。GameWorks是一个中间件,就像任何其他的中间件,我们为开发人员提供一个源牌。我们提供的源代码,许可,以谁请求它的开发人员。被许可方就不能我们的源代码重新分配给任何人谁没有许可证。

如果开发人员请求的源代码Nvidia的GameWorks功能,许可,并随后被提供源代码,是开发者就可以自由编辑的代码,因为他们认为合适的优化它的独立硬件厂商除了英伟达?假设他们不重新分配。是的。只要它在NVIDIA GPU不低性能

This is an important point to touch on. NVIDIA does not enforce any limitation, contractual or otherwise, on game developers’ ability to work with AMD to optimize their games. However because game developers’ are dealing with NVIDIA’s intellectual property it does exercise control over all GameWorks features and will always have the final say with regards to what can and cannot be done with any of the code it owns.


Can you talk about some of the new GameWorks effects that Nvidia has in the pipeline and will be bringing out ?

We can’t discuss unannounced stuff.

Does partaking in the GameWorks program preclude a game developer from working with AMD to implement an alternative to a specific GameWorks visual effect like HairWorks for example?

No. We don’t prohibit them from adding technologies from other IHVs to their games.

Are game developers, who partner with Nvidia to co-market their game, contractually obligated to use GameWorks code in their game ?

We want to market with games that offer the best gaming experience. Typically that means games with our tech inside. It’s not required.
单打独斗是否在GameWorks程序排除游戏开发商从与AMD的合作,实现替代像HairWorks例如特定GameWorks视觉效果?号 我们不从添加来自其他独立硬件厂商的技术来他们的比赛禁止他们。

Again we wanted to make sure there was no ambiguity with regards to any sort of limitation that a GameWorks partnership would entail. The GameWorks program itself does not inherently preclude game developers from working with AMD to implement AMD specific technologies.


A GameWorks partnership isn’t equivalent to an exclusive The Way Its Meant To Be Played co-marketing partnership for example. Where it is naturally expected that Nvidia technologies would exclusively be incorporated into the game. Or on the other end of the scale an exclusive AMD Gaming Evolved partnership, where tech from AMD would exclusively be incorporated into the game. GameWorks itself is an enablement tool,  it could be used in a game that’s subject to an exclusive Nvidia co-marketing deal or equally end up in a game that is not.


What other methods besides editing source code can an IHV like yourself or your competitor use to optimize the performance of a specific in-game visual effect ?

It is not impossible to optimize without source code. We don’t get source code for every game. But we still do a great job ensuring games run great on our platform as long as we have reasonable access to builds.  Many developers don’t provide source code for their games to third parties, so we optimize games based on binary builds. We invest tens of millions of dollars annually in creating these technologies and it’s our intellectual property. We won’t share our IP with our competitors and I think that’s reasonable.

There are a couple of vitally important points that invite discussion here. The first is that Nvidia fully recognizes the importance of source code access and optimizing through source code. This is why the company, as discussed earlier, provides developers with the option of acquiring a source license to see and adjust source code. This is because Nvidia understands that there’s a lot that can be achieved through working directly with the source code itself. And undoubtedly improving and refining source code is often what yields the best results and leads to the most impactful performance improvements. Which is why it remains as one of the most desirable methods for optimizing performance in games and in fact it can sometimes be the only solution to the problem.


A great example of how important source code truly is would be the Tomb Raider reboot which launched last year. The game performed poorly on Nvidia hardware at launch, particularly so with TressFX Hair enabled which is AMD’s hair rendering and simulation technology similar to Nvidia’s more recent HairWorks feature.


The company laid the blame on not getting access to the final build of the game until very very close to launch. Which funnily enough is exactly the same issue AMD had with a number of GameWorks titles as well.  Nvidia even issued a statement at the time saying that the performance issues cannot be completely resolved through a driver update and game code changes on the developer’s end would have to be made.


Andrew Burnes
Please be advised that these issues cannot be completely resolved by an NVIDIA driver. The developer will need to make code changes on their end to fix the issues on GeForce GPUs as well. As a result, we recommend you do not play Tomb Raider until all of the above issues have been resolved.
请注意,这些问题不能完全由NVIDIA驱动程序解决。开发人员将需要把他们的结束代码更改为固定在GeForce GPU的问题也是如此。因此,我们建议你不要玩古墓丽影,直到所有的上述问题已经得到解决。

Tomb raider was the first game to utilize AMD’s TressFX Hair – or any type of physical hair simulation technology – and Nvidia GPUs really struggled to run this DX11 Direct Compute based visual effect initially. This was not out of the ordinary as the compute heavy effect is expected to naturally run better on AMD GPUs which enjoy an inherit advantage in compute performance over equivalent Nvidia hardware, while Nvidia GPUs are inherently stronger in geometry. This is unsurprising as both AMD and Nvidia play to their respective hardware’s strengths with the graphics effects that they develop. We clearly see this with AMD’s compute based TressFX and with Nvidia’s tessellation based HairWorks.

古墓丽影是第一场比赛,利用AMD的TressFX头发 - 或任何类型的物理头发模拟技术 - 与NVIDIA GPU的真正努力开始运行这个DX11的直接计算基于视觉效果。这不是与众不同的计算,预计对自然的GPU AMD其中享有继承的优势超过相当于Nvidia的硬件计算性能更好的运行效果沉重的,而Nvidia的GPU在本质上几何更强。这并不奇怪,因为AMD和Nvidia的发挥各自的硬件的优势与图形效果,他们的发展。我们清楚地看到这与AMD的计算基于TressFX和Nvidia的基于细分HairWorks。

That said GeForce GPUs were brought to parity with their respective Radeon equivalents in TressFX performance despite their compute deficit, no matter which team your graphics card was from running TressFX would have an identical performance impact. And it was achieved through a game patch with the necessary code changes to TressFX. Which goes to show how integral code is to the optimization process and the hurdles that it enables hardware vendors to overcome.

尽管他们的计算赤字说GeForce GPU的被带到平价各自的Radeon等同于TressFX性能,无论哪支球队你的显卡是运行TressFX将有相同的性能影响。它是通过一个游戏补丁必要的代码更改为TressFX实现。这正好说明如何积分代码是优化过程,它使硬件厂商,以克服的障碍。

What also played a pivotal part in all of this is that AMD makes the source code for TressFX Hair – all of its developed visual effects – open and publicly available for anyone to download, see and use.

还什么这一切的起到举足轻重的一部分,AMD公司使得TressFX头发的源代码-它所有的开发视觉效果- 开放和公开的任何人都可以下载,查看和使用。









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